CO 1: Trace the development of modern Hindi literature poetry form
its beginning to the present day.
CO2: Demonstrate knowledge of literary terms, major periods, authors,
genres and theories.
CO3: Develop complex reading writing and research skills.
CO4: Demonstrate through discussion and writings an understanding
of significant cultural and social issues presented in modern Hindi
Literature poetry.


CO1: Develop computer literacy, their basic understanding of operative
systems and working knowledge of software commonly used in
academic and professional environments.
CO2 : Develop knowledge on Microsoft word, power point & excel.
CO3: Develop practical knowledge about Hindi typing& PDF file etc.


CO 1:Understanding the concepts of Romantic Hindi poetry.
CO2:Understanding the socio cultural background of modern hindi
poetry and the concept of modernity.
CO3:Understanding the literariness and the aesthetic aspect of
contemporary hindi poetry.
CO4:Developing critical and analytic approach to poetry.


CO 1: Understand the critical practices from the past to present.
CO2: Develop a critical perspective on the historical over view of Indian
literary theory.
CO3: Understand these theory and its application
CO4: Analyze literary texts from different points of view.


CO 1: Develop the art of translation.
CO2: Understand the importance of translation in present world with its
various theories.
CO3: Understand the idea of basic principles in translation, issues faced
by translators.
CO4: Understand the cultural aspects of translation.