The word Physical education is derived from two separate words ,Physical` and `Education`. The word `Physical` means relating to body and `education` means systematic instructions or training. So, the word Physical education means systematic instructions relating to body. Physical education means the education through physical activities for the development of total personality of a person.

Need and importance of physical education 1. Physical Education is needed for proper growth and development 2. Beneficial to maintain good health and fitness 3. Physical Education is important to prevent and treat various ailments and diseases 4. Provide knowledge of our body from musculo-skeletal, physiological, and biochemical point of view. 5. Teaches various physical activities that can be practiced in the later stages of life. 6. Teaches the value of physical fitness and how to become fit. 7. Improves the posture and physical appearance 8. By participating in physical activities, one can maintain an ideal body weight. 9. Slows down the aging process and motivates towards a positive lifestyle. 10. Improves the quality of life and helps to relax and sleep better at night. 11. Helps in preventing and managing diabetics. 12. Participation in physical activities strengthens the bones and muscles. 13. Participation in physical activities improves the efficiency of various systems of the body. 14. Participation in physical activities develops the ability to think and interpret the knowledge. 15. helps to develop social qualities like co-operation, respect to others, loyalty, selfconfidence etc.

it targets your whole body, using lots of different muscles to strengthen, shape, tone your body and establishes a balanced stable physique. It also improves all motor qualities like speed, strength, flexibility, endurance. They may combine several types of exercise, such as flexibility, strength and resistant training. Warm-up: It is a primarily preparatory activity in which physiological, physical and psychological preparation.