CO1. Enable to understand the meaning and changing nature of the study of International Politics .

CO 2. Students will familiarize the major concepts used in the study of International relations

CO3. Develop capacity to evaluate the various dimensions of foreign policy .

CO4. Enable students to critically evaluate the current issues and problems of global politics.


CO1. Students will be able to identify various types of research in political science. The student will also inculcate the spirit of scientific enquiry and objective research

CO2. Student will accumulate knowledge on different types of variables, concept of hypotheses, sampling etc.

CO3. Can elaborate different types of tools and techniques used for data collection and to describe concept, purpose and uses of various tools and techniques in Political Science research.

CO4. Become aware of various components of research proposal and enable to prepare write up for research proposal.


CO 1: Students should be able to define Political sociology, describe the nature, explain the scope, analyse approaches to political Sociology

CO2: Able to discuss the concept of power, legitimacy and authority and their intertwined relation with each other.

CO3: Should be able to recognize the meaning, nature and importance of Political culture and Political socialization as well as Political Modernisation and Development.

CO4: Enables to distinguish between social movements and new social movements and to identify Features of New Social Movements

This course deals makes an overview of Law making, Law Execution, Law Adjudication and Party System in Five Countries: UK, USA, France, Switzerland and China. After the successful completion of the course students will be able to compare and find out similarities and differences in working of politics in the above mentioned countries. 


CO 1: Enable students to understand the historical growth of human rights

CO2: The course provides the student with the capacity to identify issues and problems relating to the realization of human rights

CO3: Students will be able to develop investigative and analytical skills in the field of human rights

CO4: Enable the students to promote human rights in the community