CO1. Understand the function of various systems at cellular and system levels 

CO2. Understand the mechanisms that work to keep the body alive and functioning 

CO3. Apply the knowledge to lead a healthy life

CO1.Realise that the whole living system has a common ancestry and so all are related 

CO2. Realise the fundamental characteristics of science as a human enterprise 

CO3. Apply scientific methods in day to day life 

CO4. Able to design a research work on a topic

1. Comprehensive and detailed understanding of the chemical basis of heredity. 

2. Understanding about the role of genetics in evolution. 

3. The ability to evaluate conclusions that are based on genetic data. 

4. The ability to understand results of genetic experimentation in animals. 

CO1. Understand the importance of Bio molecules 

CO2. Familiar with various biochemical pathways 

CO3 : Develop knowledge about equipment like microscopes, spectrophotometers, centrifuges etc