CO 1: Understand the nature of contracts and the essential elements of a valid contract
CO 2: Explain the difference between a valid contract and a void contract
CO 3: Understand the breach of contract and remedies available for a breach of contract
CO 4: Understand various kinds of special contracts like indemnity, guarantee, bailment and agency contract
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
- Teacher: Dr. SANTHOSH P Commerce
CO 1: understand the concept, importance and techniques of capital budgeting.
CO 2: gain knowledge about sources and uses of working capital and significance of working capital management.
CO 3: explain optimum capital structure, theories of capital structure, distinguish between financial and operating leverage.
CO 4: describe the concept of cost of capital and compute the component cost of capital and weighted average cost of capital.
CO 5: differentiate the types of dividend, explain dividend policy and factors affecting dividend policy
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
- Teacher: Ms. KRISHNA NAMBIAR Commerce
CO 1: Identify the characteristics of an entrepreneur
CO 2: describe the importance of entrepreneurs in the economic developmet of a nation
CO 3: identify the different types of entrepreneurs
CO 4: to strengthen their skill and quality as an entrepreneur
- Teacher: Dr. JAYARAJAN T K Commerce
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
CO 1: Understand the concept of economics and its use in business
CO 2: Understand the concept of demand, elasticity and demand forecasting
CO 3: Understand production function and law of production
CO 4: Understand the methods of determining price of a product
CO 5: Explain the methods of computing national income.
CO 6: Conceive the developmental issues of Indian economy and Kerala economy
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
CO 1. Understand the theoretical and practical knowledge of the basics of accounting.
CO 2. Acquire the knowledge of accounting for royalty, Consignment and Hire Purchase
CO 3. Imbibe the accounting concepts of Inland Branch Business.
CO 4. Comprehend the procedure for determining profit and financial position from incomplete records.
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce