CO1: Understand the basic concept in gaseous state Explain the deviation of real gases from ideal behavior and Maxwell distribution of velocities and its use in calculating molecular velocities. Distinguish average velocity, RMS velocity and most probable velocity.

CO2: Understand the basic concepts of internal structure of Crystals (crystallography) and explain X-ray analysis of crystals.

CO3: Understand the basic concepts in liquid state and solutions. Illustrate Henry's law and explain its applications. Identify colligative properties and apply colligative properties to determine molecular mass.

CO4: Distinguish Specific conductance – molar conductance and equivalent conductance and explain laws of electrolysis, conductometric titrations and its applications.

CO5: Explain electrochemical cell, electrode potential, types of electrodes, EMF Nernst equation and potentiometric titration.

CO6: Acquaint with various instrumental methods in chemistry and understand basic concepts of Nanochemistry.