CO1: Illustrate the preparatory methods of glucose and fructose and explain their configurations. Familiarize the structure and properties of sucrose and polysachrides.

CO2: Know the structure of important five membered and six membered heterocyclic compounds and explain their reactivity and important reactions. Explain the preparation and properties of Quinoline and iso quinoline.

CO3: Understand the structure and functions of neuclic acids, classify amino acids and explain the structure of protein and its importance.

CO4: Understand the mechanism of enzyme action, enzyme catalysis.

CO5: Know the structure of Vitamin A, B and C. and hormones progesterone, Testosterone, cortisone, adrenaline and Thyroxin.

CO6: Understand the importance of metal ions in biological systems and Mechanism of O2 and CO2 transportation – Nitrogen Fixation Na-K pump.