CO1: Understand the basic principle underlying various spectroscopy.
CO2: Understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics and laws of thermodynamics.
CO3: Explain the formation, nomenclature and applications of coordination complexes, Illustrate the valance bond theory of coordination complexes and explain the factors affecting the stability of complexes.
CO4: Understand the basic concepts of chemical kinetics and calculate the value of Ea from the values of k at two temperatures. Illustrate the types of Catalysis and understand the Characteristics of catalytic reactions.
CO5: Understand the basic concept of nuclear chemistry, and explain the detection of isotopes using Aston’s mass spectrograph and separation of isotopes by diffusion methods.
CO6: Explain the principle and applications of different types of Chromatography.- Teacher: Dr. ARADHANA N Chemistry
- Teacher: Mrs. RANJUSHA M K Chemistry
- Teacher: Mrs. SRUTHI K P Chemistry