CO1: Identify the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics.

CO2: Relate and interpret the various laws of thermodynamics.

CO3: Understand the concept of entropy and how the whole universe is related to it.

CO4: Construct phase diagrams and study the equilibrium exists between various states of matter, and apply principles phase diagram to separation processes and for property modification of different type of system.

CO5: Understand basic principles of surface chemistry and its application in various fields.

CO6: Correlate the types of colloids with its properties and to explore the applications in day today life.

CO1: Recognize and relate the properties of ideal and real gases.

CO2: Describe the properties of liquids.

CO3: Identify and distinguish the types of solutions.

CO4: Explain colligative properties of dilute solution and determine the molecular weight of a solute.

CO5: Identify different crystallographic systems and various types of crystal defects.

CO6: Describe X ray diffraction to explain internal structure of solids.

CO1: Understand the behavior of transition and inner

transition elements and explain the separation of

lanthanides by ion exchange method and lanthanide


CO2: Understand key features of co-ordination

compounds and illustrate the theories of coordination

complexes, stability of complexes and explain factors

affecting crystal field splitting.

CO3: Explain biological functions of metal ions.

CO4: Familiarize new elements in periodic table and

understand recent developments in inorganic


CO1: Understand the qualitative and quantitative

aspects of analysis and separation techniques

CO2: Explain instrumentation and working principle

of different analytical techniques – TGA, DTA and

radio chemical method of analysis.

CO3: Familiarize with the preparation, properties and

uses of some inorganic compounds like hydrides of

boron, sulphur and silicon based inorganic polymers

and understand their importance.

CO4: Explain the classification of refractories.

CO5: Know the position, electronic configuration and

physical properties of noble gases and explain

hybridization and geometry of different xenon


CO6: Explain various steps involved in metallurgical

operations and power metallurgy and understand

Corrosion, theories of Corrosion and factors affecting
