CO 1: understand the basic concept of GST.
CO 2: Explain how GST is levied and collected.
CO 3: describe IGST, its levy and collection
CO 4: femiliarise with the preparation of invoice and filing of return under GST
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
- Teacher: Ms. KRISHNA NAMBIAR Commerce
CO 1: Explain banking and describe the different types of banks and the functions of commercial bank
CO 2: Narrate the role of RBI in the credit control, promotion and regulation of monitory system
CO 3: Describe the relations ship between banker and customer and the procedure for opening and operating the account
CO 4 : Understand the modern trends and technology used in banking
- Teacher: Dr. JAYARAJAN T K Commerce
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
- Teacher: Dr. SANTHOSH P Commerce
CO 1: Explain the nature, scope, objectives and limitations of costing
CO 2: Identify the elements of cost and describe the methods of their ascertainment and control
CO 3: Explain the various methods of costing and their suitability for different industries
CO 4: Ascertain the cost of production of products and jobs
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
- Teacher: Dr. SANTHOSH P Commerce
CO 1 Define the basic concepts in Income tax, explain its evolution
CO 2 Determine the residence and incidence of Tax
CO 3 Understand the incomes exempt from tax of an individual
CO 4 Compute income under different heads of income
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce
- Teacher: Ms. KRISHNA NAMBIAR Commerce
CO 1: Understand the fundamental aspects of research in business
CO2: identify and define research problem
CO 3: formulate research plan
CO 4: understand various methods of collecting data
CO 5: prepare research report themselves
- Teacher: Dr. JAYARAJAN T K Commerce
- Teacher: Dr. NISAMUDHEEN T Commerce