1. The course is expected to provide a basic knowledge of the essentials of agricultural economics 

2. Students are expected to get an opening for higher studies and research in agricultural economics 

3. The course will help students to get an agrarian entrepreneurship towards a source of livelihood.


1. Enabling the students to assess current international economic issues based on theory and evidence. 

2. Preparing the students to undertake higher studies and research in issues related to International Economics 

3. Students may get an opportunity to examine the trends in global economic performance


1. To help the students to identify the basic structure and working of Indian economy by enabling them to use qualitative and quantitative data relating to various economic issues and policies. 

2. Students may get an opportunity to identify the strategic drivers in the development of Indian Economy.

 3. It will create an environment to comprehend and critically appraise the current problems and policies relating to Indian economy.