Course Outcomes: students should be able to: 

CO 1: Understand the concept of colonialism and its historiography in India

 CO 2: Discuss critically the impact of colonial policies in political, social, economic and cultural life of Indians

 CO 3: Assess the influence of social and religious reforms in the modernization of India 

CO 4: Analyze and explain how anti-colonial movements originated in the nineteenth century 

CO. 5 Identify major centers of commerce and anti-colonial movements

Course Outcome: students should be able to:

 CO.1 Understand political, social and economic background of freedom struggle 

CO.2 Specify major stages of freedom struggle and their ideological distinctions 

CO.3 Analyze the role of nationalist movement in the making of modern India

 CO.4 Develop an attitude of nationalism cutting across limited boundaries of religion and caste in order to resist communal forces

Course Outcomes: students should be able to: 

 CO.1 Understand factual knowledge of modern Kerala history 

 CO.2 Explain political, social, cultural, religious and intellectual factors that led to the formation of modern Kerala 

 CO.3 Analyze and discern the influence of caste and communal organizations in Kerala society and politics

 CO.4 Understand the significance of secular and egalitarian values and forces in the making of the cultural identity of Kerala

Course Outcome: students should be able to:

 CO. 1 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources 

 CO. 2 Use historical and interdisciplinary methods of research and research tools

 CO. 3 Analyze and synthesize historical data collected from different sources 

 CO. 4 Create reasonable arguments and interpretations with the support of documentary evidences 

 CO. 5 Write well researched article on any historical events and leaders

Course Outcomes: students should be able to: 

 CO: 1 Understand basic terms, concepts and categories of historiography 

 CO: 2 Describe the origin and growth of history as a branch of knowledge from ancient times

 CO: 3 Analyze and explain ideological and methodological foundations of historical writing in ancient, medieval and modern period in world history 

 CO. 4 Discuss the relevance of interdisciplinary research and objectivity in historical writings